
Thursday, January 10, 2013

NFL Picks ATS For the Divisional Playoffs:

Wild Card Weekend: 3-1 ATS

Season to Date: 142-120 ATS

Prediction for this Weekend: 4-0 ATS

With the NFL 2012-13 season culminating Saturday in what is the best weekend of football all year, Marco and I have decided to forego publicizing our picks here at TSZ in favor of trying to lengthen our mailing list as we head into the off-season.

No, we are not asking for coffee donations, promissory notes, pink slips, or first born's. Nor are we relying on the highly unreliable code of honor amongst gamblers and expecting anything in return for the profoundly enlightening research we are about to send your way. As usual, our picks are completely free and thus devoid of icky, bad karmic residue.

All you have to do is ask by sending us an e-mail at: and let us know you'd like to become a part of the fastest growing community of like-minded gamblers this side of the Bloggosphere. Or just say, "I'd love to hear your picks."

You don't have to become a follower - although we highly recommend it. You don't have to make witty remarks in the comments section - but it's fun and we encourage it. And you don't even have to read any of the e-mails we send you in the future - but trust me, we'll know, and we'll be really sad. And so will you, because TSZ is about to take the sports world by storm. And who doesn't want to be able to say, "Dude, I was part of the calm before that storm." You'll be like R.E.M. fans before Automatic for the People. Or something else that's even cooler.

So, are you intrigued? Are you asking yourself if Marco is a drama queen who wants Green Bay and Seattle in a Replacement Game? Or is Vinny a deluded realist who believes the trends of favorites will continue? Is it really the Year of the Bird? Are you wondering if we're going to go all Jimmy the Weasel in the AFC and Road Warrior in the NFC. Are you wondering who Jimmy the Weasel is?

Even more surprising and compelling than the answers to all of those questions is the research we did to support them. Trust me, for the price of an e-mail, you will not be disappointed. Besides, if you're on our mailing list by kick-off time Saturday, then you have TSZ membership status for life. That's a prize worth almost as much as the time it will take for you to write to us.

If you've read this far and still aren't convinced, then I have two words for you.


Vinny and Marco



  1. If anyone cares about Mysterios' picks they are.... 2 locks=Houston, SanFran. 2 more Denver and Atlanta.

  2. Seattle wins outright today and Houston covers!

  3. Over/under thoughts?
